These letters written itself inside out again.

Happy Chinese New Year! 新年快乐!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011 ♥

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I know it's late, but I still wanna wish everyone a Happy Chinese New Year! 新年快乐! :D Okay, I think I would just skipped 除夕, New Year Eve, cause I'm just having dinner with relatives and had yusheng (鱼生).

This was what I wear on th first day of CNY (初一)

On th first day of CNY, 初一, prepared and went to visit my god-grandmother. Mother's new shoes was giving her lots of troubles, so Laogong came to her rescue! Haha. Laogong went to my house to get comfortable shoes fr my mother then cabbed down to meet with us. After that, Laogong and I went to find Bingli and her boyfriend, as they're just staying nearby, while my family cabbed down to grandmother's house.

After meeting up with Bingli and her boyfriend, we head to McDonald to have our lunch as nothing is open fr business on th first day of CNY. Then we slack awhile before going to Bingli's boyfriend's house. Then very suay, I'm in a serious cramp because my 大姨妈 came. It's the first time I'm in so much pain because of my 大姨妈! It's pain that I couldn't move and even sit properly. I'm in cold sweat and my face was damn pale! Can you imagine th pain that I'm in?!

But luckily, my Laogong is there fr me!^^ He bring me down to cab back to my home. I'm like in a drunkard as I keep falling down because of th pain that I'm in. While waiting fr cab, I even sit down on th floor, nearly lying down there! I couldn't even stand and sit properly. Cabbed back home and I just lay down flat on my sofa. Laogong let me lay my head on his leg, it's like damn sweet lor! He takes painkiller fr me to take to reduce the pain. I'm fine after resting fr an hour plus, whether how Laogong tahan one. Haha :D


After that, I prepared and faster cabbed down to my grandmother's house. Like usual, went there to eat, take angbao and gamble. Lost a total of $50 being th banker, those people are just so lucky :\ Wonder if everyone of them are wearing red undergarments anot. LOLS. But i won back later at night. So, I'm still consider lucky. Haha.

Went off at around 8plus and meet with Bingli and her boyfriend at Westmall. Catch th movie " Mr and Mrs Incredible " It's th first time Westmall Cinema is so packed of people! 人山人海! Anyway, th movie was damn nice and of course funny. They're sucha loving couple *Envy* I would rate it a 4.5/5! :D After the movie, went to a Indian store nearby to have our supper. After that, Laogong and I cabbed back to my house.

I shall end this post with cute pictures of my beloved Laogong ^^ Doesn't he look cute in that shirt? He wear it specially on that day to let me see, cause it's my favourite shirt among all th others. ( I choose it fr him ) :D


I wear this on th second day of CNY (初二)

( Ignore th unglam toilet in th picture)

On th second day of CNY, 初二, Laogong left my house early as he got to visit his relatives over at Pasir Ris. After I wake up, I went to prepare and head down to grandmother's house ( mother's side ). At there slack awhile, then we went down as one of th uncle is fetching us over to his house fr lunch.

Went there, have our lunch then went to watch television. Slowly, one by one, all th relative arrived. It's damn boring there, that I sleep over at the sofa without realising. Luckily, I don't look unglam when I'm sleeping. Haha. After a very very long wait, th uncle fetch us to grandaunt's house with his minibus.

Th first thought arriving at the house was, "it's time to gamble!" But they're still having their lunch and all. Awhile later, my mother wanted to go home already as she's bored too. She fall asleep over there, but very unglam :X So, went home with mother and both of my brothers as they're catching a movie with the rest of my cousin, they went home to prepare first. They're watching movie at WESTMALL!! .__.

Went home to slack awhile before cabbing down to Laogong's grandmother's house. I was damn paisea when giving the madarin orange to his grandmother as it's my first time, seriously, giving madarin orange to people. I even use his grandmother's madarin orange and give it to her as I forgot to take. Damn cartoon like that. LOLS!

After that, i went to Laogong's house first to wait fr him, Bingli and her boyfriend as my Laogong have to go and return bike to his friend, and Bingli and her boyfriend wants to go home and prepare. After everything have done, we meetup with each other and cabbed down to Clementi's partyworld fr a karaoke session. We sing all th way till around 2am then cabbed back to Laogong's place and sleep.


Mandarin orange fr you guys, angbao give me ^^

On th third day of CNY, 初三, I didn't went to my relative's house with my family as it damn far, at Bishan. So, i slack awhile at Laogong's house before heading back home to changed and prepared. Then after that, we cabbed down to Liangwei's house to 拜年. We were late by a few hours :X Said to meet at around 1plus but we reached at 4plus. Slacked at Liangwei's house fr awhile, then Laogong, Liangwei, Liangwei's girlfriend, Felicia and I cabbed down to Laogong's grandmother's house. After that, we head down to Laogong's house. We were gambling, then halfway, Lianjiang and Amos came. We gambled all the way till 5am, halfway Liangwei and Felicia went off. In the end, I lost a total of $30. Laogong and I had a short quarrel while gambling but it's fine after that. Laogong and I have alot of coincidence, alot of card we took the same number. Haha. Damn cute luh ^^

That's all fr my CNY's "adventure". Now, I can't wait fr the next CNY to come :D


Recently, I created an account and started playing Sudden Attack with Laogong. My character's name is xFen. Damn good right? But I know this is only fr temporary interest only. Haha. But I'm still a good girlf overall, although I hated Laogong playing this game, ( cause he just can't stopped playing and acompany me! ) but I still create an account and join in th fun with him lehs! Like this still not good mehs?

Anyway, I shall end my post here already. Valentine Day is coming in a few more days' time, just can't wait cause on that day, it'll be my 2nd anniversary with Laogong! Wonder what surprise he'll give me on that day, but I doubt that he'll even be thinking of any surprises fr me lorrr ): Anyway, I shall wait and see on that day (:
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