These letters written itself inside out again.

Coin & Cookie Dozer Madness!
Monday, January 31, 2011 ♥

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It's been raining from yesterday morning and finally stopped today! Ohmygod! I just hope that it won't rain during CNY, if not it would really spoilt my mood one. Anyway, today cabbed down to find Laogong after his work and we head down to Westmall to get my hamster stuff and have our dinner over there too. Both of us went for a haircut, I trim my fringe shorter only. Laogong don't like his haircut and I don't really like it too. But oh-well, hair will grows, right? ( That's how I comfort myself and other people. Haha :D ) After that, I cabbed back home and started packing my room as CNY is coming real soon already, so I've got to act fast! But I've got a mild flu after packing my room as it's quite dusty! ): Feel so irritated :/ But satisfied seeing the outcome ^^ Neat and tidy!

Anyway, Coindozen came up with this CNY edition. Like chio right? On the right, is how it looks like. I just download this recently from my Laogong's Iphone. Haha ^^ Actually, at first I thought that Coindozen are very lame and boring game, by just dropping coins and wait for them to drop into the hole. But when I download it to play, I actually kinda got addicted to it :X The first thing when I meet Laogong, I would take his Iphone to play. Haha ^^

See, I download all kind of Coindozen and Cookiedozen and even to coin related games too. I think I'm going crazy over this kind of games le. Lols! How I wish I have my own Iphone! My Iphone confirm battery flat very fast cause I'll keep playing games. Haha ^^

I shall end my post right here already. Tomorrow's th last day of school fr this week already, damn happy! Th day after, school will just be having some performance fr us and we can head back home fr Reunion Dinner already. And after that all we've to do is what most people like to do... COLLECT ANGBAO! It's my favourite too ^^ That's what I'm looking forward to. Haha. Suddenly feel that time is passing very fast...
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