These letters written itself inside out again.

Jeremy Scott x Addidas Originals " Teddy Bear"
Saturday, January 29, 2011 ♥

Click "Older Post: if you have not read: Bye 2010, Hello 2011 : ( Movie ) Little Fockers + Hamsters
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I'm back to blogging again! ^^ As you can see, I've changed my link and blogskin again! I know it's really irritating that I keep changing my link, I'll try to control on that. LOL! And I've changed my skin into something brighter as I'm sick of black and dark color already. LOLS!

It's been going a month since I last update my blog. I'm busy with my 'O' level studies and all, that's why. But I will still try to update while I can ^^ Lots of things happen during this period of time. But I think I shouldn't elaborate on that already.

I should just make it a short post about today's event. Today, I went to Town with Laogong, Bingli and her boyfriend. Spotted this cute Jeremy-Scott x Addidas Originals " Teddy Bear". I think this caught my attention the most, compare to the other things that I've saw today.

Jeremy Scott x Addidas Originals " Teddy Bear"
I think it's only available in Pink and Brown.

This shoes is mostly covered with fur, with this cute teddy bear's head on top. It looks so comfy to wear lor! ^^ Although, I think that it might get troublesome during rainy day :/

Even Lil Wayne (Left) and Sammi Cheng (Right) are wearing them?!

Isn't it nice?! Although I think some might say it's exaggerated think it's hard to match them with clothing and others. Just like my Laogong, he says that this shoes doesn't match me, cause I'll have to wear very Jap to match this shoes .__. But Sammi Cheng just match with simple legging and shirt and it match perfectly fine too (:

Anyway, I should just end my post here. Chinese New Year is just round the corner, so I just wish everyone an advanced Happy Chinese New Year! (:
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