These letters written itself inside out again.

Bye 2010, Hello 2011 : ( Movie ) Little Fockers + Hamsters
Sunday, January 2, 2011 ♥

Okay, I uploaded the photos. Here's the photos fr 31 December 2010 and the fireworks too (:

See, in th end, th smoke spoilt th whole fireworks display! :l


Today, I took damn hell lot photos of both Laogong's and my hamsters. I'll first introduce to you guys my Laogong's hamsters. Th first pair that I'm going to introduce is 长不大 & 长得大.

长不大 is my Laogong's all time favorite hamster. It's called 长不大 is because, just like the name, it never grow at all. Both of them can run damn fast and jump damn high, compare to the other hamsters. They're damn active! They belongs to the species called Roboski.

On th left, is 长不大 & 长得大's cage - Habitrail Ovo Suite. Damn chio right?

On th left is 长不大 & on th right is 长得大


Okay, next it's time to introduce th last two pairs of Laogong's hamsters.

I'll just introduce you to th second pair of Laogong's hamster. They're not given a name yet. But these two cute hamsters come from th same species and same family too. They're siblings.


Okay, here comes th last pair of Laogong's hamsters. Th black one is called 小黑, and th white one haven't been given a name yet. 小黑 is Laogong's second favourite hamster.

Don't see them like so common, like other hamsters like that. They're very unique and special in a way, which is different from other hamsters. They've RED EYES! You've to play with them and tame them in a way, cause they can be very fierce when they grow up. You can see from their eyes. Haha.


Okay, now it's time to introduce my hamsters, th new pair that I get from Laogong's friend, Yangchun. I called them Timid and Valentine

Th hamster in black is called Timid, it's because, it gets scared easily. Just slowly move your finger around it, and it'll gets shocked. But it looks cute too even when it's shocked. Haha. Timid has a very shy character, but it's not camera-shy! You can go to my facebook to see more of Timid's photos. They're all damn nice and cuteeeee! :D

Th hamster in golden-brown is called Valentine. It's named after Laogong and my anniversary, cause we got attached during Valentine Day. Valentine is totally different from Timid. Valentine is not afraid of th new environment, it adapt to th new environment very fast and not shy and scared too. Valentine is also much more active than Timid, it like to move around quite alot.

This is th new cage that I bought fr them. Nice?

On th left, Timid and on th right, Valentine.

Some cute photos of Timid (:


Anyway, that's all fr th introduce of both Laogong's and my hamsters. You can go to my facebook to see lots more other photos of these four pairs of cute hamsters. And I'm gonna take back my previous pair of hamsters which are sick, cause I miss them ):

My previous pair of hamster are just like Timid and Valentine, one black and one golden-brown in colour. Th previous black one is called Gorilla and th previous golden-brown one is called Baobei.

Th black one is called Gorilla because it's quite fierce and it's black in color. Valentine has th character of Gorilla, both of them adapt to new environment very fast. Just that Gorilla is much more active compared to Valentine, and Gorilla is much more unfriendly. It bites when you carried it.

Th golden-brown is called Baobei because i like it th most. Timid has th character of Baobei, both of them are very shy. But Baobei is not as shy as Timid, it's very friendly. I like th time when Baobei licked my finger when I carried it (: I shall take photos of both Gorilla and Baobei when I take them back. Anyway, enough of th hamster topic.

I went to Jurong Point with Laogong today. I went back home to change and all first then cabbed down to Jurong Point. Had MacDonald as our dinner, then we went to meet Bingli and her boyfriend. Catch th movie "Meet the parents: Little Fockers".

It's a pretty hilarious movie, i shall rate it 4 out of 5 stars, it's a movie worth to watch. It's also a movie about family and marriage. Now, I want to watch "Just Call Me Nobody" and "Yogi Bear" in 3D and also waiting fr "The Ghosts Must Be Crazy" to be out. I actually wanted to watch "Saw VII" in 3D but it's R21 )': Here's a trailer for "Meet the parents: Little Fockers".

Anyway, holiday's ending and school's starting real soon, and I still haven't got anything ready yet. So jialat sial. Just have to slowly get used to school life. Hais~
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