These letters written itself inside out again.

Double Blessing
Saturday, July 30, 2011 ♥

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It's like been ages since I last blogged, right? Well, I got kinda lazy, with remedial and Preparation Exams going on. I've got really no strength, energy to blog after I've reached home. But I think I've dragged this post a little too long. Time to update my blog! My blog title is : Double Blessing. Continue to read to know what is the double blessing :D

Here's the first blessing. Well, early in the morning, I went to Westmall to meet up with my mother and brother. We went to Starhub, but I'm not gonna tell you the motive that we're going there for. I'm going to save the surprise for later :D But by telling you guys that we're going to a Starhub store, I think most of you should have guess it, right?

This is what I've got from Starhub store. Interested? Scroll down ....


Well , I've got myself a ...



I totally love the colour, because it's BRIGHT! :D

The full set, of everything in white

Well, I know White IPhone 4 isn't a new thing already. You probably have seen lots of people on the street holding onto one. But having this White IPhone 4 isn't the sole reason to why I'm so happy. The reason to why I'm so excited over it is because... this is my first phone after I've came out! :D I'm not joking! For the past, 1 year plus, I've been using my mother's spare Samsung phone, while my mother and brother gets all the new phone! BOO HOO! D:

This is suppose to be a birthday present from my boyfriend, but it dragged kinda long hor? Because my boyfriend have been complaining that I'm using his IPhone as if it's my own and I'm always using his IPhone until it's low in battery. So, to save his problem, he got my one IPhone and ask me to experience the feeling of having your IPhone low in battery as IPhone has super low battery life. WHY AH?! There's the only thing I hate most about it - Low Battery Life.

Okay, I shall stop rambling. I guess everyone should roughly knows the pros and cons of IPhone, so no point in me repeating all those, right? But alot of people have been saying that White IPhone 4 is ugly, and not very good. But I think otherwise lehs. White IPhone 4 same like any IPhone ma, where not good? :O And I think, maybe everyone is used to seeing Black IPhone already, that's why they says that White IPhone is ugly. I think it's pretty nice :)

Photos taken using the front camera of my IPhone.

Photos taken using my camera.

With my newly-bought IPhone :D

That's my first blessing, here comes my second blessing :D Well, if you're my friend, you should know that I've a SUPER DUPER MEGA ULTRA STRICT boyfriend. Even though I'm 18, I couldn't go to any pub or club at all without his permission or companion. So, I always have to miss my girlfriends' birthday celebration as most of them held it at pub.

But this time round, to celebrate Liangwei going in NS and becoming botak head, Laogong brought me to Club Nana together with Liangwei, Felicia & co. Actually, I'm not really excited going to a pub, I'm neutral. Why must I get so excited just because I'm going to a pub, right? It's not as if I won lottery! :\ So my boyfriend and I cabbed over to Westmall first, and waited for Maogui at the MRT platform before boarding into the MRT as we're meeting Liangwei and Felicia inside the MRT cabin. This method like old school hor? :D I last time also like that ^^

Taken in cab, with my boyfriend

I like this! Looks like sexyyyy hor? :D

Taken in MRT platform, with IPhone front camera.

With my boyfriend.

Meet up with the rest, had a light dinner at Burger King, and off we go to Club Nana. Overall, it's a really nice experience. The boys lose their stand while the girls are the last man standing. Laugh out loud! Lucky my boyfriend is not as crazy and fun-loving as them! If not I'll have a hard time attending to him at home for his hangover.

With the pictures, I shall end my post here. I admit that this post isn't well done as I'm lazy and tired :( But, I'll be back for much more exciting post! :D So stay tuned to my blog, okay! And remember to CLICK HERE to vote for me, okay? :D

My boyfriend took this! But quite nice hor? :)

Snapshots of Liangwei and Felicia

With Boyfriend

With Felicia :D

Felicia and Liangwei :)

Group pictures of the boys

It's the girls' turn! :D

Liangwei with Xuanrui

Super epic face expression!

My boyfriend with Maogui

With my boyfriend :)
This pose like nice hor? :D

With Boyfriend

Mirror Reflection with Felicia



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